Monday, June 01, 2009

Happily in P-town

I arrived late Thursday and took a few days to get settled. I started two paintings this morning and am looking forward to get more going soon.

1 comment:

bluemoon said...

I had the great pleasure of meeting you briefly a few weeks ago in P-town. I’ve followed your work on your web site but I don’t think I seen your work the last time I was out there. It is wonderful. For years I have dreamed of being able to stay on the Cape long enough to studying with a true color visionary. I’ve tried my own block studies and found them to be very helpful in the way I see things. I thought that going to Province Town would be my only way to study with an artist that could teach me the kind of painting that I am passionate about, you can’t imagine my joy when I read your blog and found out your from Troy. I do hope you have a spot left on your schedule for me when you get back.
